The film will release next year on 22nd February 2019, it was earlier slated for October 2018 but now Balaji Motion pictures confirms that it will be next year and unveils a funny video featuring Kangana and Rajkummar. Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao chose a retro look and a quirky video to announce that their film Mental Hai Kya will release on February 22 next year. In the video, the actors, dressed in a retro avatar, collide with each other and start questioning: “Mental hai kya (Are you mental)
Director: Prakash Kovelamudi Writer: Kanika Dhillon Stars: Abdul Qadir Amin, Rajkummar Rao, Kangana Ranaut
MENTAL HAI KYA MOVIES movie download and watch===>
MENTAL HAI KYA MOVIES movie download and watch===>
MENTAL HAI KYA MOVIES movie download and watch===>